There are quite a few options to market your book. I have listed only a few. There are some options you will be comfortable with and some perhaps not. You can start off with what you are comfortable with and as your confidence in marketing grows you can venture out of your comfort zone and give the other marketing options a go!
I’m probably stating the obvious, but it is vital to the success of your book that readers become aware that you and your book exist. No time like the present - some publishers provide a pre-release price and an author website where your book can be ordered; use this as an opportunity to begin marketing your book.
Blogging: There are blog sites that are free and take you through the process of starting up your blog page; like this blog site. (If I can blog, anybody can blog.) Blog about your book, about writing and about yourself. Make friends by joining other blogs and this will help you gain a following. Paste links to your author website and other sites that are helpful to writers.
Social Networking Sites: If you haven’t already, join a social networking site such as Facebook. Post about your book and post your blog and website links. Get people interested in you and your writing – build on your following and before you know it more people are interested in you and your writing.
Forums: Join writing forums and help out those aspiring writers who are keen to learn from published writers. (I remember when I craved this kind of information, I still do!) Post your link to information in your blog that may encourage or inspire them. Join forums that have some relationship to what you have written about in your book (especially if you have written a non-fiction book). Respond to other people’s posts; as long as your posts are helpful and informative people will visit your links. But don’t forget, post those links!
Article Submissions: Write articles for writing magazines, fiction magazines, forums and your blog. You’ve learned a lot on your writing journey; share that knowledge and in the process you are getting your name out there.
Author Websites: If your publisher hasn’t set up an author website for you, set one up for yourself. Include the cover art of your book, a synopsis, a photo of yourself, your other website links and a link to your email address. If this sounds too overwhelming, there are professionals out there who will design and set up a website for you. Do some ‘Googling’ and research website designers and author websites to get some ideas.
Local Media: Contact your local media and let them know you and your book exist. The local community is always interested in the achievements of one of their own.
Book Stores: Once your book is out there go to the book stores and introduce yourself. Go to the bookstores that are carrying your book and sign as many copies as you can. Leave a good impression and make some fans. Email or go to independent book stores and let them know you and your book exist. Turn up with a box full of books and leave them on consignment. Let them know you will be happy to sit there and sign books. Even buy something while you are there. Whatever it takes!
Book Reviews: Get your book reviewed. If you have had short stories published in magazines send your novel to that editor you have built up a professional relationship with and let them know you value their opinion and would be grateful if they could do a review on your book. Have your book reviewed by other bloggers who can post on their site.
Contests: Enter your book in a contest. Google and find out what competitions are out there for novels that have been published. What a great marketing positive that would be for your book if it is placed or wins a competition!
Whether you have a traditional publisher, you have entered into a joint venture with a publisher or you are self-publishing; the success of your book depends on the success of your marketing!
Happy Writing …. J