Monday, April 4, 2011


Here is some interesting news that I wanted to share in regards to my marketing mission: Today the importance of networking was very predominant to me. My daughter posted details of my author website where it is possible to order a copy of my novel, Dream Keeper, at a pre-release price on her Facebook page. (How sweet and helpful she is, I thought). I almost fell off my chair when the editorial department of our local newspaper contacted me. The newspaper photographer will be here on Wednesday to take  my photo and  the newspaper will be publishing a story  promoting my novel on Monday. How good is that? Yes, today I learned that a beneficial contact for marketing your book can appear from somewhere you might not have even considered, ... or somebody right under your nose. Happy Marketing .... :-)


  1. Hi Diane
    What a wonderful postscript to your marketing blog. It does go to show how you can't underestimate the value of networking, and what it can lead too.
    Good luck with your marketing.

  2. Wow! What a great thing to happen, Diane. I can't believe the way in which news travels so fast these days. All the best with your novel - I like the title.

  3. Thank you Gavin, Rosemary and Teresa. :) Yes, all this modern technology sure has opened a huge door to marketing!
