Monday, January 2, 2012


This is a list of goals I have set for myself for 2012. I have recorded them here as an added incentive to me to stay focused and determined – because I know that recording this here and having witnesses to this list will help me to put in the effort that is needed. Well, that is my plan anyway! Sounds good in theory, don’t you think?

01    Beat record of short stories sold in one calendar year.
02    Read, revise and submit non-fiction book manuscript.
03    Read, revise and submit second novel manuscript.
04    Read, revise and submit third novel manuscript.
05    Continue marketing first published novel, Dream Keeper.
06    Write one short story per week.
07    Write and submit articles.
08    Begin drafting new novel manuscript.
09    Blog once per week.
10    Search for new writing markets/opportunities.

NOTE TO SELF: As long as I do my absolute best to achieve this list, in my eyes I have succeeded! (This is my back up plan/attitude – it takes the pressure off, and prevents me from going into panic mode if the year is coming to a close and I am wishing I hadn’t had such high expectations of myself.) J

Keep writing….


  1. Well done on setting those goals down, Diane! may you fulfil many of them this year and go on to even greater success.

  2. I'm sure you will fulfil many of your goals this year, Diane. Best wishes with them all.

  3. Thank you Rosemary and Carol. I am determined to do my best. My little one starts 'big school' this year, so time shouldn't be a problem. xx

  4. Excellent goal - best of luck with them.

  5. Lol Frances - tho to achieve what I set out to do is another story. I guess time will tell. Thanks for stopping by :-)

    Thank you Debbie and thank you too for also stopping by!
